Ross Cup 

The Ross Cup is a print competition and is held annually between Associates, the cup being awarded to the winning Associate club or society. The Mick Smithson Shield (Premier Award) and The Lakeland Holidays Landscape Trophy are awarded to individual photographers as detailed below.

The Ross Cup was presented in 1951 to the KCPA by Mr. V Ross, a member of Maidstone Camera Club and Chairman of the Maidstone Chamber of Commerce, to encourage the production of prints. It is awarded to the Associate with the highest total marks in the Ross Cup competition.
A Premier Award Certificate is awarded to the photographer, who in the opinion of the judge(s) produced the best print in the Ross Cup Competition.

The Mick Smithson Shield was presented in 1978 by Mr. Peter Hedgeman of the Isle of Thanet Camera Club in memory of Mick Smithson, a past President of the KCPA. It is awarded to the winner of the Premier Award.

The Lakeland Holidays Landscape Trophy was presented in 1987 by David Dent ARPS, formally of Tonbridge Camera Club. It is awarded to the photographer, who in the opinion of the judge(s\) produced the best landscape print in the Ross Cup Competition.

The Premier Award Certificate shall be presented for the Print adjudged the best in the Competition. The “Mick Smithson Shield” shall be held until the next Ross Cup Competition.
The “Lakeland Photographic Holidays Landscape Trophy” and certificate shall be presented for the Print as judged the best Landscape print in the competition, the trophy shall be held until the next Event.

Merit Award Certificates may be awarded for other prints at the discretion of the Judge(s).