Ross Cup 2016 results

The KCPA committee opened the doors at Ditton Community Hall on Sunday 30th October, and welcomed around 200 club members to the annual Ross Cup event.

38 clubs entered this years competition, which resulted in 304 prints going on display for all to see.

Each club had at least 1 image commented on,plus any merits.

Our judge for the competition was Walter Benzie HonFRPS(President of the RPS)

Full Ross Cup Results can be found HERE

WINNERS : ROSS CUP 2016                                                    

Eastbourne Photographic Society                  










PREMIER AWARD AND MICK SMITHSON SHIELD                                                                                              

Levitation             Polina Plotnikova                          ARPS     AFIAP                                   








LAKELAND HOLIDAYS LANDSCAPE TROPHY                                                                                                        

Volcanic Dust Descending        Gay Biddlecombe                            LRPS      DPAGB           






THE ROSS CUP MOST IMPROVED CLUB TROPHY                                                                                                               

Sittingbourne Photographic Society                                                                                                                        

MERIT AWARDS                                                                                                                              

Archway Havana                                   

by Roy Morris  ARPS     DPAGB                

Arctic Congestion                                                        

by Stuart Tooley LRPS

Cheese, Walnuts and Pears

by Inna Karpova                                                                    


by Roger Nolan LRPS                                     


by Chris Jones                                                                        

Kingfisher Emerging With Prey  

by Jeremy Broome-Smith  BPE2*  DPAGB

Resting After A Day's Racing  

by Graeme Andrews                                                           

Sheep On The Pennines    

by Sue Dixon                                                                           

Still Life With Flowers 

by Nenne Van Dijk FRPS  DPAGB    

The Painters  

by Jenny Monk                                                                      























Further information and images will be posted up in due course.

Ross Cup Extra

At the event certificates were also handed out..........

Club members were awarded their CPAGB certificates congratulations to them both.









Other certificates were also handed out by the KCPA president Chris Shore, these includes those handed over to 2 club members, who were awarded for not only getting their images selected to

represent the KCPA in the PAGB Inter Federation 2016, but also for being awarded in the sections they represented. Well done to them both

Laura Knowles ARPS AFIAP (Whitstable P.G club member)

Baby Orangutan - Colour print section.

Scored 14/15 and achieved a PAGB Ribbon

Stan Spurling (Bexleyheath club member)

50 Year of Communist Rule Cuba - Mono print section.

Scored 15/15 and awarded Judges choice gold medal (Rod Wheelan)…/06/pagb-inter-federation-2016-resu…/

PAGB Inter Fed









Congratulation also go to Clive Tanner and Richard Walton who are both photographed receiving their APAGB certificates, awarded at Sunday's Ross Cup event

I do hope others will join me in congratulating them both, on this much deserved award and recognition for all the work they both do.


Clive Tanner being presented his APAGB certificate by Chris Shore KCPA President








Richard Walton receiving his APAGB certificate.