PhotoExhib Information for Uploading (Club Comp Secs)
- I would suggest creating a folder on your Desktop to receive the 8 selected images.
- Open them up in Photoshop and check the size, file size and resolution and colour space.
- CLICK HERE for instruction and the HERE for reasons we are asking for these formats & colour space.
- Remember only two images per photographer.
- If all correct save back to the created folder.
- Do you personally have a PayPal account? If not, would you like to create one? If so go HERE.
- If not, be ready with your credit card or debit card to complete the upload and pay for your club's entry. Remember to claim your money back from your treasurer.
You, the Club Competition Secretary, will receive an invitation, like this, with your Club name as login and your password, as well as the link to the upload site. (This shows the one for the Diamond Jubilee Trophy )
It will be easy to change the password if you choose to.
- When you receive it, and have some time, login, then just take a look around, press a few buttons and hover over things to see the helpful pop ups.
- PLEASE READ the CONDITIONS which clarify, once again, all you need to know.
- When you are ready, upload your checked images by going and locating them in the folder on your Desktop.
- You can add them one at a time or all 8 together.
- In testing, the upload times have varied, for differing reasons, so just leave it to get on with it.
- Once uploaded the image will show as a thumbnail, you then go back to each image and add the name of the photographer and their distinctions.
- For those with a lot of distinctions, agree with them the three you will use.
- You can correct any errors or misspelt titles, very easily, you can finalise but still go in and make changes by un-finalising.
- You can also pay at a later stage but you must complete payment by the 15th February or else your Club's entry will not go for selection.
- Once you have submitted your entry, you will get a confirmation email, like this, showing the thumbnails, which again can be checked for any errors you may have missed.
- You will be reminded if you haven't finalised or made payment.