KCPA PDI Exhibition 2021

Comments from KCPA President:

Whilst the KCPA was unable to go ahead with the 2020 exhibition due to Covid Restrictions, most of the entrants agreed to carry forward their image to 2021.

As soon as we felt able to, we looked into how we could bring an exhibition to our KCPA affiliated club members. Unfortunately, whilst we were unable to bring the selectors along to Detling, we felt we were able (with the help of technology) to get the images to our selectors to view the PDI images very efficiently through we transfer and Zoom.

All of the images were sorted into their own categories and put into A-Z order

and then sent to the selectors along with score sheets for them to mark between 2 – 5 giving an overall score out of 15 from the total combined.

After the images were narrowed down and I had sorted the images which needed further discussion by the selectors, I arranged a Zoom meeting.

Where they selected the PAGB Gold Medal, PAGB Ribbon Winners and Highly Commended winners. This worked very well as all had seen the images before and so already had an idea of the quality of the work.

An enjoyable few hours were spent on Zoom with our selectors and my husband Doug, using Dicentria to display the images., whilst I kept a record of the award-winning image titles for each category.

The KCPA PDI Exhibition 2021, brought a vastly increased number of entries than the usual PDI section of the exhibition brings. We hope you enjoy viewing the images via YouTube. I would personally like to thank the selectors Richard Speirs, Peter Young and Leigh Woolford, who all did an amazing job of selecting the KCPA Exhibition images, plus our many exhibition entrants for their comments of thanks, it is appreciated. I believe, as competition & exhibition coordinator, I have one of the best role’s on the committee, in that I see the images first hand and like nothing better than seeing more of them coming in. Why not put a new folder on your desktop and spend the next 8 months adding your best images to it, in preparation for the KCPA Exhibition 2022. It would be great to see even many more images coming in next year.

The KCPA Committee do hope in 2022 we are able to bring both The KCPA PDI & Print Exhibition back to our members.

Tracy Hughes CPAGB LRPS BPE2*
KCPA President & Competition Coordinator


KCPA PDI Exhibition 2021

Guest book comments -

  • This is brilliant, and I can watch as many times as I want. Well done Tracy and all the photographers featured - Rupert Brun
  • Congratulations to all photographers. Thank you Tracy and team for all your hard work - Eileen Wilkinson
  • Thanks for a view of the youtube exhibition.  I have not viewed everything but what I saw was brilliant - Alan Cork
  • Just spent a very enjoyable 34 mins watching 2021 PDI Exhibition. Some amazing images, ideas and locations showcasing the various talents of the photographers. All very inspiring! - David Bacon

YouTube link